One of the challenges of the Greeley Chorale, or any community choir for that matter, is finding the perfect venue for their performances. “Perfect” is rarely achieved because the venue has to meet so many qualifications:
How many does it seat? Too many, too few?
Are the seats comfortable for the audience?
Can the audience see and hear well?
Is there ample parking for performers and audience?
How are the acoustics?
Is there room on stage for the full choir and acccompanist?
Is the venue available on the dates needed for both a dress rehearsal and performance?
Are an organ and piano both available?
Are there choral risers that will also allow seating for the singers?
Is there available stage lighting, and can it be controlled?
Is there equipment and staff for audio amplification?
Does the venue provide a projection screen?
Does the area provide professional staff?
And lastly, can the choir afford the rental fees?
Through the years, the Chorale has performed all over Greeley: Greeley Central High School, First Presbyterian Church (now Cornerstone), Trinity Episcopal Church, Sunnyview Church, St Mary Catholic Church, First United Methodist Church, First Congregational Church, the UNC Ballroom, the Greeley Recreation Center, and Monfort Concert Hall at the UCCC.
Tonight we are proud and excited to perform our first concert in the Performance Hall of UNC’s brand new Campus Commons. This wonderful space meets many of our needs, particularly in terms of stage space, acoustics, and audience seating. Its 600 seat capacity is the perfect size for a choir that averages 350 to 500 in attendance. There is not a bad seat in the house. Its acoustics are excellent, as the hall is designed as the concert center for the UNC Music Department. The stage can comfortably accommodate the Chorale’s 90 plus singers and accompanists and provides ample risers and choir seating. Its staff will work with lighting, acoustic shell, amplification, and projections.
Tonight is a special night for the Chorale as we are able to sing in a venue that will be a showcase for the many community choirs in northern Colorado.
Our joy in this wonderful venue will add so much to our music!